overflow-y: scroll not working in Chrome

hey again everybody. I just noticed I have an issue with my website when using it with Chrome based browsers ... the overflow-y: scroll isn't working. In Firefox and Safari it's working just fine. any ideas what's causing this? https://raesener.de/ to be precise div.content is the element here.
3 Replies
elmcrest•4mo ago
I am using the "stack layout" from smolcss.dev here 🤔 ah, Chrome wants a z-index ok and Firefox and Safari don't mind
Zoë•4mo ago
You should never need to use overflow-y: scroll to enable scrolling the initial value is auto which will scroll if content overflows otherwise no scroll, you would only use scroll if you want the scroll bar to always be visible. It seems like you may have a a structural problem. I’m only on mobile atm so I can’t be specific as no code has been supplied It would help if you were to try and recreate the issue in a CodePen without fluff. You might discover the solution yourself
elmcrest•4mo ago
@z- ::theProblemSolver:: thx, changed it to overflow-y: auto - I need it since I'm using a stack view with the video in the background, which is the "modern" variant from smolcss.dev ... but I can create a codepen, sure here you go, you need to enable overflow-y: auto again to see the wanted behavior - without you can scroll the background video away. https://codepen.io/elmcrest/pen/yLwEKRR @z- ::theProblemSolver:: what do you think about this?