
Hello, my application was not accepted because I changed my device. Can I send it with the same model of the old device?
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6 Replies
Elysiøn5mo ago
Mark5mo ago
Hey! @Elysiøn :SCkittymeowHEARTS: . Please make sure that you provide the customer service with all the accurate and required information. They may not be able to proceed with your request otherwise as they may not be able to verify the ownership of the account. As an owner of the account, it is your own responsibility to provide the accurate and required information. Please continue with the customer service and wait patiently for their response. Also, Please be advised not to use the Moderator role unless there is a server related emergency.
Elysiøn5mo ago
I am already entering the information correctly, but they say it may be due to a phone change.
Mark5mo ago
You may try submitting the request from your old device.
Elysiøn5mo ago
My problem is, I have already replaced my old device with another device. Can it work with the same model device?
Mark5mo ago
It won't work as you've already replaced your device in which you were frequently logged in. You will need to explain this to the customer service regarding this issue. Please try to contact them one more time.:neon_white_heart: