Why is the data service suddenly unavailable, and the database URL, PROT, and password are changed w

Why is the data service suddenly unavailable, and the database URL, PROT, and password are changed without prior notice? I'm so angry, you guys are a bunch of amateurs
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you performed the migration but were still connected to the legacy database, the legacy database has now been shut down. please re-migrate the legacy database. then look for any hardcoded database credentials and replace them with environment variables and reference variables....
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9 Replies
Percy•4mo ago
Project ID: 98c71fc1-c592-44be-bc03-2c5bff4a5785
Zisu | Owlando🦉
Brody•4mo ago
you performed the migration but were still connected to the legacy database, the legacy database has now been shut down. please re-migrate the legacy database. then look for any hardcoded database credentials and replace them with environment variables and reference variables.
Zisu | Owlando🦉
I completed the migration work as early as last month and confirmed that all database information was updated. The database service was normal yesterday, but today I suddenly found that all database information became incorrect. This is obviously not my problem
Brody•4mo ago
from your logs you are trying to connect to the now shut down legacy database still, please re-run the migration and update all hardcoded connection details
Zisu | Owlando🦉
I'm pretty sure my service is not hardcoded and the fix has been done
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Brody•4mo ago
where does the config module get those settings from?
angelo•4mo ago
your old env vars were hard coded to the legacy database
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angelo•4mo ago
I can imagine how unbelievably frustrated you are, and I truly apologize for that. However, in our migration guidance, we tried our best to notify everyone to update their variables. After you migrated around a month ago- we have since shipped an update that detects if you have hardcoded variables and changes them on your behalf.