Need help in doing Overflow-x and a Dropdown

I cant access my dropdown when i put overflow-x: auto; because the current navbar have many things in them and they requested to put scrollbar in there which is the overflow-x: auto; but then the dropdown doesnt work as intended
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5 Replies
Zoë4mo ago
It looks like you have a fixed height on the container, and aren't using position: absolute on the drop down
WinterPixie4mo ago
it is on position absolute
WinterPixie4mo ago
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WinterPixie4mo ago
this is the orginal project and I cant make that dropdown go outside the overflow-x
MarkBoots4mo ago
yea for this to work, you can't have an overflow container. you will need js for this. I found this working example on codepen (not mine)
Paul O'Brien
Dropdown animated - sideways scroll with jshelper
Added a sideways scroll which will probably break the touch friendly version but mot tested yet. Used focus-wihin for keyboard accessibility. -------...
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