Google auth token

Hello, can I define additional scopes and then access the google auth token to make further requests to the google api?
5 Replies
onderay4mo ago
Hey @commonmind1 you can read about our Token customization here - What changes would you like to make to the Google auth token? What additional requests do you want to make to the API? We also have a Google Drive connected app
Kinde Docs
Token customization - Build on Kinde - Help center
Our developer tools provide everything you need to get started with Kinde.
Kinde Docs
Google Drive connected app - Developer tools - Help center
Our developer tools provide everything you need to get started with Kinde.
commonmind14mo ago
@Andre @ Kinde Thanks, I want to access the youtube api, meaning I need the scope '' and then forward the auth token to the youtube api
commonmind14mo ago
It doesn't seem that this is currently supported
onderay4mo ago
Got, unfortunately its not supported
commonmind14mo ago
Alright, thanks