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How to use React SDK with axios

I have a frontend app using @kinde-oss/kinde-auth-react. When I make requests to my backend API server, I want to use axios ( to make the HTTP calls with my Kinde access token. The most natural way of adding the access token to my axios calls is to configure axios with an interceptor which will attempt to retrieve an access token and, if successful, add it as a header. The problem is that the getToken function is provided by useKindeAuth which is a React Hook. But I create my axios instance outside of any React page (in a plain .tsx file) and simply import it when needed. Since my axios instance is created outside of any React component, I'm not able to use the useKindeAuth hook there and so I'm not able to get a reference to the getToken function. So I can't currently configure Axios with an access token....

flutter mobile custom signing

Hello there ! I have mobile Flutter app and I would like to use my own custom screen for Auth so I was looking for a method or an API to somehow auth users manually sending info I got from my form but I don't think I found it reading the doc, any help ?...

When is the billing releasing, I really need the early access urgently

I really need the kinde billling for my bussiness, can you guy give a date when is the early access releasing or can you guys let me in the beta access or something like that?

Redirect to register instead of login?

I have "Start free trial" button on my page. It redirects to /checkout and /checkout is protected by the middleware. But the problem is it redirects user to login instead of register. How can I make it redirect to register? I use Next.js SDK

Use persisted tokens in elixir

A bit more than a week ago I created an issue on GitHub ( about how to use the Elixir SDK to use persisted tokens. But I haven't received any feedback/answers so far. Can anyone help me?...

Vue3 integration

I'm surprised Angular and React are supported but not Vue3. Is it planned ? Thanks 😉...

Authentication in a Chrome extension

I'd like to require users of my Chrome extension to enter a username and password to log in. The extension opens a sidepanel for its user interface (it uses React), so that's where I'd like the userid/pw fields to appear. Chrome has draconian security rules, so it's sometimes tricky to integrate third-party software. To avoid any issues, I was wondering if there was an example I could follow.

When will "Create identity" API endpoint support type: "phone" ?

Currently the endpoint only supports "email" and "username"

Is there a way to get the active sessions of a user?

I want to enable the user to see his login-sessions and also manually terminate certain sessions if he chooses to. Is there an endpoint to list the active sessions of a user and one to terminate them?...

How do I link a social login to an existing User?

For Example a User has registered via Username and wants to link his Google Account to also sign in with Google? How would that work?

GetUser() returning Null on Live Nextjs.

Hi all i am hoping anyone could help me with this query. I have a Nextjs14 application using Kinde Auth. It was working fine, but I woke up to a random bug on live. getUser is reutuning null only on live. ` const { getUser } = getKindeServerSession()...

No Github username

When used github auth for next js app, it only provided email and name and not github username. Actually I was planning to create an app around github prs so it would be helpful

[Help] 500 With token exchange!

We're building a web application using FastAPI for the backend and React for the frontend. We're trying to integrate Kinde for authentication. What's the best approach to implement this integration considering our tech stack? We're facing issues with the token exchange process. After receiving the authorization code, we're getting a 500 Internal Server Error when trying to exchange it for tokens. Post-authentication, we need to fetch user details and store them in our local PostgreSQL database. What's the recommended way to retrieve user information from Kinde after successful authentication? Are there any specific considerations or best practices we should follow when using Kinde with FastAPI, especially regarding the handling of access tokens and user sessions? Can you provide a sample implementation or code snippet for the authentication flow, particularly the token exchange and user info retrieval parts, that works well with FastAPI?...

Problem not sending state to the oauth2 /auth endpoint

Hi, I am not sending the state url parameter to the oauth2 /auth endpoint, as the docs says its not required ( but the endpoint fails says it is required. Do I have to send state?

Client Credentials with Python SDK

When using OAuth Client Credentials flow, does the Python SDK provide a function to verify and decode the bearer authorization header?

LogoutLink is not redirecting to my desire URL

I tried to follow the instruction to set up my post logout route. However, it still redirect me to a default route instead of my home page. Does anyone have the same issue ? Or did I miss anything? Thank you...
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Need some help with my custom domain for production.

Been trying to setup a custom domain: * I have a website setup with DNS to azure under a subdomain * I can't setup kinde to also point to so its pointing to * I have setup my google OAuth with the callback url to * This is an SPA so every time I login and refresh a page is goes back to my login....

Deploy a React Kinde app on Vercel

I attempted to deploy the React Kind app to Vercel, but after logging in, it showed
ProtectedRoute: {isLoading: false, isAuthenticated: false}
ProtectedRoute: {isLoading: false, isAuthenticated: false}

Middleware based protection not working

in my middleware.ts, i have the following code ```ts import { withAuth } from "@kinde-oss/kinde-auth-nextjs/middleware" export default withAuth(...

Are there guidelines for integrating Kind Auth with a React.js-based Figma plugin?

everyone, Does anyone have guidelines for integrating Kind Auth with a React.js-based Figma plugin? Any help would be greatly appreciated! 😊
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