Safari on Big Sur - Wordpress Shortcode Issue

Just wanted to bring this to your attention @Baptiste. I discovered through some testing that the shortcodes on a Wordpress site do not work on Safar in Big Sur. iFrame works fine though.
2 Replies
cleveradmin4mo ago
Actually, in further testing, it appears the typebot is getting hung up on Big Sur. Looks like the code I'm using to generate a random number isn't working. Any ideas?
let randomNum = Math.floor(Math.random() * 1000000);
let code = String(randomNum).padStart(6, '0');
return code;
let randomNum = Math.floor(Math.random() * 1000000);
let code = String(randomNum).padStart(6, '0');
return code;
Here is what's showing up in the javascript log.
[Error] Unhandled Promise Rejection: TypeError: o8().findLast is not a function. (In 'o8().findLast(t=>e.inputIndex===t.inputIndex)', 'o8().findLast' is undefined)
Z (960.4288d6c7d8a2073d.js:1:4944)
G (960.4288d6c7d8a2073d.js:1:4052)
j (960.4288d6c7d8a2073d.js:1:2582)
(anonymous function) (960.4288d6c7d8a2073d.js:1:206131)
(anonymous function)

[Error] Unhandled Promise Rejection: TypeError: o8().findLast is not a function. (In 'o8().findLast(t=>e.inputIndex===t.inputIndex)', 'o8().findLast' is undefined)
Z (960.4288d6c7d8a2073d.js:1:4944)
G (960.4288d6c7d8a2073d.js:1:4052)
j (960.4288d6c7d8a2073d.js:1:2582)
(anonymous function) (960.4288d6c7d8a2073d.js:1:206131)
(anonymous function)
[Error] Unhandled Promise Rejection: TypeError: o8().findLast is not a function. (In 'o8().findLast(t=>e.inputIndex===t.inputIndex)', 'o8().findLast' is undefined)
Z (960.4288d6c7d8a2073d.js:1:4944)
G (960.4288d6c7d8a2073d.js:1:4052)
j (960.4288d6c7d8a2073d.js:1:2582)
(anonymous function) (960.4288d6c7d8a2073d.js:1:206131)
(anonymous function)

[Error] Unhandled Promise Rejection: TypeError: o8().findLast is not a function. (In 'o8().findLast(t=>e.inputIndex===t.inputIndex)', 'o8().findLast' is undefined)
Z (960.4288d6c7d8a2073d.js:1:4944)
G (960.4288d6c7d8a2073d.js:1:4052)
j (960.4288d6c7d8a2073d.js:1:2582)
(anonymous function) (960.4288d6c7d8a2073d.js:1:206131)
(anonymous function)
Let me know if you need anything else from me to troubleshoot this further @Baptiste
Baptiste4mo ago
Will try to reproduce soon 🙏 Probably a function not compatible with the Safari version (
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