AlokaiDarren R

Canonical Links have forward slash encoded which breaks the page

Hi. The Canonical Links that get added to the head have the forward slashes encoded to %2F You can see this on the production demo (https://demo-magento.vuestorefront.io/default/women/tops-women/hoodies-and-sweatshirts-women.html): <link data-n-head="ssr" data-hid="i18n-can" rel="canonical" href="/default/women%2Ftops-women%2Fhoodies-and-sweatshirts-women.html"> If you try and use the encoded URL (https://demo-magento.vuestorefront.io/default/women%2Ftops-women%2Fhoodies-and-sweatshirts-women.html) you will see the page doesn't load correctly, the Title does not load. Also, there is a concern that Google will index this as a separate page. Is there a way we can update this to use /?
Magento2 Integration for Vue Storefront 2
skirianov97d ago
hi, I'll reach out to our devs and try to figure it out
Darren R96d ago
Hi @skirianov After some digging I think this might be an issue with the Nuxt i18n module. I've raised an issue on Github for it: https://github.com/nuxt-modules/i18n/issues/2764
Canonical and Hreflang Links output encoded · Issue #2764 · nuxt-m...
Environment Operating System: Darwin Node Version: v18.17.1 Nuxt Version: 2.17.1 CLI Version: 3.10.0 Nitro Version: - Package Manager: yarn@1.22.19 Builder: webpack User Config: - Runtime Modules: ...
skirianov96d ago
Thank you! Let me know what it turns out to be!