Modern day replacement for<table>

In the good ol' days our site was built around the <table> as it displayed mainly tabular lists of data. If I wanted to replace those tables with something new and funky (just because), should I look at CSS grids or is there something better suited to the job?
31 Replies
Wonderbear13mo ago
If you have tabular data, use tables. Otherwise use flexbox and grid for layouting.
13eck13mo ago
Both Flexbox and Grid are used for content layout of the page. Flexbox is if you need to control only one axis of alignment (horizontal or vertical). Use grid if you need to control both axes of alignment (horizontal and vertical).
mikcattaOP13mo ago
Can you replace the <table> with either grid or flexbox?
13eck13mo ago
Yes, that's what we're saying. You honestly should only be using table for tabular data, like a database view, flight times, betting odds, etc. For layout use the layout tools we have: grid and flexbox.
Wonderbear13mo ago
You cant simply replace the element. The entire website needs to be refactored.
mikcattaOP13mo ago
I wanted to know if <table> was still relevant in this day & age, as it's never spoken about.
13eck13mo ago
It hasn't been relavent since ::checks watch:: 2006 or so :p
Wonderbear13mo ago
Its only relevant when you want to display a table And you only want that for tabular data
13eck13mo ago
Even before flexbox was a thing in the early teens most layouts were done using float. Table was a stop-gap that allowed for alignment when CSS wasn't a thing and when all monitors were the same dimensions. Also this ☝️
mikcattaOP13mo ago
I think I am confused again... do website now never display tabular data (so for example a list of users)?
13eck13mo ago
If the site displays tabular data then use table. That's what its for. Don't use it for layout
Wonderbear13mo ago
No? You can and should use <table> for tables. Wikipedia for example has a lot of tables
mikcattaOP13mo ago
I wasn't intending to use it for general layout, such for displaying lists
Wonderbear13mo ago
A list of users would be a table
13eck13mo ago
As for "a list of users" that depends on the list. If it's just a list of names you'd use the ul element. If it's name, email address, last login date, then you'd use a table
Wonderbear13mo ago
Or a list... depends whether its only the usernames or a larger dataset
13eck13mo ago
You'll find that almost everything in webdev can be answered thus: It Depends™️
mikcattaOP13mo ago
Yes, there would always be multiple columns (name, dob, department etc)
Wonderbear13mo ago
Yeah. A list is per definition not really a table. Yes, thats what you use <table> then for Or you can. But its definitely not wrong to use a table for that.
mikcattaOP13mo ago
Ok, so I will stick to a <table> for the lists of items whever type they be. Thank you
Wonderbear13mo ago
Explicitly, a list is declared with <ul></ul> or <ol>/ol>.
mikcattaOP13mo ago
If it had only one column, I might use a ul/ol, but for multiple columns it sounds like table is still they way to go
13eck13mo ago
Multiple columns isn't a list, at least not when it comes to HTML 😜
Wonderbear13mo ago
Yes, just wanted to have that clarified
13eck13mo ago
We're being a bit pedantic but it's for a good cause: trying to teach the difference between a table of multiple data points and a list of single items
mikcattaOP13mo ago
thats what I am saying, I wouldn't go with a list type (ol/ul) for multiple columns, have I understood that correct?
13eck13mo ago
Sounds like it, yes this is a perfect use for table ☝️
mikcattaOP13mo ago
Wonderbear13mo ago
But, to be clear one last time: You do not wrap your entire website around <table> A header, footer, menu, navi, the content and basically anything else that is not a list of multiple columns, is not a table
mikcattaOP13mo ago
Yes, I understood, the tables have always only been for tabular data. Just wanted to check that the table element had been deprecated
Wonderbear13mo ago
Not deprecated^^ btw. mdn docs are a gret resource. If elements are deprecated, mdn docs state that at the very top of the document

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