For C2C is it better to stack a bunch...

For C2C is it better to stack a bunch of low paying mid-level jobs or to look for jobs that pay at or even to your W2 jobs knowing you'd have to dedicate more time to them?
3 Replies
xenial-black4mo ago
For me, 300K/year is goal. Over that is gravy for my 10 year plans.
fair-rose4mo ago
Ideally you take whatever you get that sets you up for long-term success. Sometimes that means in the first 1 to three years, you'd stack multiple low paying for the experience, testimonials, and case studies to help land the next 100/hr job. Finding a high c2c rate earlier is just icing on the case and hastens your progress. Though in my experience even low paying c2c can work you to the bone so I wouldn't consider rate of pay to scale well with work being done
xenial-black4mo ago
Ah. Unfortunate. I guess I'll go for matching my current pay then if getting a lower level doesn't mean an easier time