Is there anything similar to AWS Secrets Manager here?

Here at Railway, is there any solution similar to AWS Secrets Manager in which I can, through a connection or SDK, store global environment variables and access them in the project I want? Let's suppose I have a backend project but I want to access a variable from there through my code on the frontend, is there a way?
6 Replies
Percy5mo ago
Project ID: N/A
Mario Paglia
Mario Paglia5mo ago
Brody5mo ago
whats wrong with using service variables?
ThallesComH5mo ago
railway env variables are pretty basic, you can host Infisical tho
Mario Paglia
Mario Paglia5mo ago
There is nothing wrong, but my issue here is precisely when I have several projects and several services, and I want to get some type of variable through my code, as I would normally do for example through an AWS Secrets Manager SDK, I wanted find out if it is possible to do something similar here at Railway
Brody5mo ago
you have separate railway projects that need the same variables? should those services not be in the same project then?