Railway•5mo ago

Mongodb not connecting locally

I'm suddenly not able to connect to my mongodb database locally. My other services seem to still be connected but when I'm trying to connect to it locally I get:
getaddrinfo ENOTFOUND mongodb.railway.internal
getaddrinfo ENOTFOUND mongodb.railway.internal
Connection string: mongodb://username:password@viaduct.proxy.rlwy.net:33764 This is my public networking:
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7 Replies
Percy•5mo ago
Project ID: 73761ff1-9247-4ed1-ae8c-d8d3f7d25203
mohsin•5mo ago
Fragly•5mo ago
railway.internal is the host for Railway's private network You're trying to connect to your service's private network over the public network make sure you're actually using the connection string that you say you're using
mohsin•5mo ago
I tried redoing the public networking and redeploying, still nothing Also, it was working using the same configuration a couple of days ago so I'm not sure what could have changed
Fragly•5mo ago
I can't reproduce this, I used MongoDB Compass and tried connecting to a MongoDB db in Railway and it works perfectly fine for me Have you tried turning it off and back on again? ( restarting Compass or PC )
mohsin•5mo ago
I guess I haven't, will try that 😄 This solved it: https://discord.com/channels/713503345364697088/1181654477787369565/1181716402428727357
Fragly•5mo ago
interesting, I don't have that enabled and it worked for me but glad you figured it out