Heavyweight cropped/short tshirt

Does this exist under $50 or am I better off just hemming regular length shirts? Most regular length shirts I’ve looked at in my size (medium usually) are like 27”-29” long and I’d like to try something around 24”-25”, which is short but not in full cropped territory, making it hard to search. Kinda hyper specific but I’d like to play with proportions a bit without having to tuck. Bronson looks like it could fit the bill, though looks like sort of a slim cut.
4 Replies
sinbad4mo ago
uniqlo u and hemming is ur best bet imo Cos might have some options but I think they’re close or above ur budget
Benji4mo ago
How do u go about hemming
Rotary cutter is my method of choice
sinbad4mo ago
Fabric scissors and sewing machine @Benjiara