Not pulling newest version from upstream repo

I have a fork of "LibreChat" with custom changes. This repo only has a main branch. Now I created a template that uses this as Upstream Repo. And it tells me that I am on the latest version of this repository, BUT it is absolutely NOT pulling any of my custom changes. There is even files missing that I created. What am I supposed to do? Why is it not pulling the proper version from "main"?
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29 Replies
Percy4mo ago
Project ID: d60ab7ef-1170-4364-8ac5-e3fa1142804e
AI made approachable
d60ab7ef-1170-4364-8ac5-e3fa1142804e Template: Issue is with "libre-chat-custom"
AI made approachable
Just found out I get an e-mail with some docker error:
denied: installation not allowed to Create organization package
Error: Process completed with exit code 1.
denied: installation not allowed to Create organization package
Error: Process completed with exit code 1.
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AI made approachable
And this comes all from the github workflows that railway is creating... so how to fix this? I really like to start sharing the template
Brody4mo ago
the upstream changes are cached for something like 24 hours
AI made approachable
So the failed GitHub action does not matter and I should just wait and retry?
Brody4mo ago
not sure about any github action, railway doesn't make github actions also why is the filebrowser template in your template lol
AI made approachable
@Brody I am using it. Uploaded files are being retrieved from it by my other service. I just used the login and list file functions of the frontend And users using my template need to be able to upload files as they can add their own graphs which are being run by another application
Brody4mo ago
and you use filebrowser's api in your app?
AI made approachable
Yes That is not true. All GitHub actions have been created by the railway GitHub plugin. At least I did not create any
Brody4mo ago
i have never once had railway create any actions in any of the repo's ive deployed through railway
Brody4mo ago
im seeing a lot of pre-set keys, please use ${{secret(32)}} (or whatever length you need) for these kinds of things
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AI made approachable
Yeah you are right. Thx
AI made approachable
But all was created by "railway-bot"
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Brody4mo ago
thats not an action
AI made approachable
It is. This is one of the files used in the actions
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Brody4mo ago
railway doesnt use that, and railway didnt make those
AI made approachable
Hm I have no actions in the project I forked. I don't get it
AI made approachable
Ah I see now. Files were already in the project (but no actions). And somehow when railway created the files github automatically created the actions? Hm Ok, well that is solved. Then I just hope at some point the repository will actually be updated.
Brody4mo ago
railway does not create any files in the repo
AI made approachable
Well it copies the GitHub repository if you use the template.
Brody4mo ago
yes it clones the repo, it does not create any additional files during that process though
AI made approachable
Yes I was wrong. The files were already there just somehow the actions got activated Looks like it really is a 24h cache or something. Updated another github project included in that template and can also see that there is no auto-update and it pretends to be on the newest version (while my original project that is the foundation of the template updated immediately).
Brody4mo ago
to be clear, this is just cache on the upstream check, if someone went and deployed the template right now they would get a repo in their gh account thats an exact clone of the gh repo you set in the template
AI made approachable
Hm, than my repos should be more up-to-date when they are. Well I will take a look after 24h. And if it still does not update recreate the template I guess. There is no easier way adding all the defaults for the env variables than the interface right? Because Librechat has like 70... I would rather like to be able to copy in a file or something
Brody4mo ago
whenever you deploy a template the repos in the template are cloned, no cache there. yeah there will likely be something like that in the v2 template composer
AI made approachable
Just as info: No update even 24h later. Also with my 2nd upstream repository I also made adjustments in. So basically it froze the status of my repositories from the first creation date of the template (09.02)
Brody4mo ago
I'm sure you kept checking thus pushing the cache invalidation back with every click please see this message