How to do JS?

Hi there, I have stared JS after doing Html CSS, and trying to make this cards section, but don't getting how to do it? I don't want to use SwiperJS, feeling really frustrating, anyone could guide how to start?
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2 Replies
MarkBoots4mo ago
Tbh, as a starter this isn't the easiest thing to do The simple thing is to place all the product card on 1 line with an overflow scroll. Then the buttons can control the scroll position. The hard thing is to figure out how many cards are visible, how many indicators there are, which one is active, what the scroll position offset should be, and how it should respond on different screen sizes. Other questions: Should it be an infinite loop, what kind of transition, is there an auto animation, etc.. And then there is the accessibility. How to handle different kind of devices? Mouse, touch, keyboard Even more experienced developers won't just build this from scratch. JS libs are there for a reason (other people have already done the hard work for you, nothing wrong with that).
Hamza Naeem
Hamza Naeem4mo ago
Ok I found video in which they are using append and prepend for next and previous button, that looks simple to me So if I want to become front end developer, what roadmap I should follow, as till now I dont have any roadmap. As far as libraries are concerned, I think libraries are for those who know how this snippet would work and they can make it on their own, but in my case, I cannot make it on my own, that's why I don't want to use the library. @MarkBoots looking forward to your point of view, thanks
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