Railway4mo ago

bigint: Failed to load bindings, pure JS will be used (try npm run rebuild?)

Project ID: cd1de50e-a1c0-4e29-9499-94f8cd7b4841 What I could find: https://solana.stackexchange.com/a/8463 Is there anything I or you can do to make this warning/error dissapear? If not, just leave it as be, just gave it a shot.
Solana Stack Exchange
bigint: Failed to load bindings, pure JS will be used (try npm run ...
When attempting to import Connection from @solana/web3.js, this appears when it is run: bigint: Failed to load bindings, pure JS will be used (try npm run rebuild?) It appears to still run, but I am
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looks like the solution on stack overflow solved this by installing python, gcc, and make, so let's try the same thing on railway, add a nixpacks.toml with this to your project
nixPkgs = ['...', 'python3', 'gcc', 'gnumake']
nixPkgs = ['...', 'python3', 'gcc', 'gnumake']
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4 Replies
Percy4mo ago
Project ID: cd1de50e-a1c0-4e29-9499-94f8cd7b4841
Brody4mo ago
looks like the solution on stack overflow solved this by installing python, gcc, and make, so let's try the same thing on railway, add a nixpacks.toml with this to your project
nixPkgs = ['...', 'python3', 'gcc', 'gnumake']
nixPkgs = ['...', 'python3', 'gcc', 'gnumake']
Costin4mo ago
Fixed, cheers!
Brody4mo ago
oh wow I did not have high confidence that my first proposed solution would work off the bat