Railway Career Questions

Hello, I would like to ask a few quick questions regarding one of your available positions (job listings on the Railway website). Who should I direct any enquiries towards so I make sure I'm speaking to the right person. Thanks! :salute:
5 Replies
Percy4mo ago
Project ID: N/A
-=Jaffa Cakes=-
-=Jaffa Cakes=-4mo ago
Adam4mo ago
here is probably the best place, send your questions and i’ll tag in the team!
-=Jaffa Cakes=-
-=Jaffa Cakes=-4mo ago
Just wondering a few things about this position: https://railway.app/careers/full-stack I do a lot of work with Rust so this is very interesting to me, there aren't many positions out there that focus on Rust at the moment. I also work with a lot of TypeScript, so this sounds like a nice mix for me. What I'm wondering about specifically is: - Do I need to have used your platform in the past? I haven't had any experience with Railway, but this listing is what piqued my interest when I found your services online and went to your careers page. - I live in Australia and work in High-Performance Computing currently, with lots of prior experience with web/cloud as well. Do you have a required time period I would need to be available between (in Melbourne time) in terms of working hours? - Do you have any other Australian employees? - Will this be a team-lead style position, or more on the side of a team member with mentoring responsibilities as well since it is intended for Senior developers. - May I enquire as to the salary range of this position to ensure it fits within my goals before heading through the interview process?
Senior Full-Stack Engineer - Product
Railway is an infrastructure platform where you can provision infrastructure, develop with that infrastructure locally, and then deploy to the cloud.
Duchess4mo ago
Thread has been flagged to Railway team by @Adam.