Upgrading from 2.0 to 3.0 - routing issues

Hello! I'm currently updating twill to 3.0 from 2.0, and I'm having some issues with routes. I'm getting the following error: "Route [admin.index] not defined. (View: /var/www/html/Xerocraft/vendor/area17/twill/views/partials/navigation/_overlay_navigation.blade.php)". Any clues on what might be causing this? I run twill under the default "/admin" path: ADMIN_APP_PATH=admin Thanks! πŸ™‚
ifoxβ€’95d ago
Hi @KyleAF did you run the upgrade script? if you did, running optimize:clear should help. If not, you need to start there!
KyleAFβ€’94d ago
Thank you for the response! I just tried optimize:clear. It cleared the cached bootstrap files, but no luck unfortunately 😦 I did run the
php ./vendor/area17/twill/upgrade.php
php ./vendor/area17/twill/upgrade.php
script prior while upgrading as well. I wonder if uninstalling and reinstalling might help?
ifoxβ€’94d ago
Ok, your twill-navigation file needs to be updated to use twill. instead of admin.
KyleAFβ€’94d ago
Oh! Can I republish a fresh copy of the twill-navigation config file? Do you happen to know that command?
KyleAFβ€’94d ago
My twil-navigation config is rather simple, but I suppose it could have changed pretty drastically
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ifoxβ€’94d ago
You don't need a new one, this format is still compatible, and what I suspected is not in your config, so it's not that
KyleAFβ€’94d ago
ahh, bummer 😦
KyleAFβ€’90d ago
In case it means anything, if I comment out the ADMIN_ROUTE_NAME_PREFIX from the .env file, then it instead gives the odd error of Route twill..index not defined
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KyleAFβ€’90d ago
Also, in the route:list, it looks like the expected route-name is "admindashboard"?
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KyleAFβ€’90d ago
Also, if I intercept and dump the request it looks like it's accurately routing to the Twill DashboardController
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KyleAFβ€’90d ago
Made progress: I tried competely reinstallting twill and it didn't quite help, but I did discover that if I have one specific one of my module's commented out in twill-naviation, it works:
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KyleAFβ€’90d ago
I can also replicate this on any of the other modules if I misspell their module name, such as: 'pages' => [] to 'pagees' => [] will cause the exact same error but my "wikimenu" isn't misspelled that I cna figure Got it figured out! Though I don't think it's necessarily my fault. @ifox it might be worth a read here for code-adjustment maybe? or a documentation-warning about using made-up words for module names. Unless I missed something, or unless you think this is such as edge-case as to not be worth it, lol. My module name is unusual: "wikimenu". Not a real word. I think the code is making assumptions about what the plural version of this fake word is, because everything works perfectly ONLY if I use the singular-version 'wikimenu' => [] in twill-navigation, whereas all other modules are plural inside twill-navigation. All other references are the same throughout my code as other modules..
ifoxβ€’90d ago
ha this is indeed an edge case because of Laravel's pluralization that doesn't work correctly with the word "menu". We added this in Twill 3: https://github.com/area17/twill/blob/3b5d66f870fbc46ad67a53e5b61f86711619a144/src/View/Components/Navigation/NavigationLink.php#L170
twill/src/View/Components/Navigation/NavigationLink.php at 3b5d66f8...
Twill is an open source CMS toolkit for Laravel that helps developers rapidly create a custom admin console that is intuitive, powerful and flexible. Chat with us on Discord at https://discord.gg/c...
ifoxβ€’90d ago
Seeing your navigation file isn't very long, you could easily convert it to the new approach: https://twillcms.com/docs/getting-started/navigation.html#content-oop-method
KyleAFβ€’90d ago
Ahh, thank you! I'll look into making the switch. Seems pretty straightforward
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