<3 e

connection issues??

i‘m in eu, and ive been having connection issues the last 3 days and my pings also been higher than usual. usually on london servers i’m on 30 ping, the last 3 days ive been on 40-50 while also lagging a lot. my drivers is updated. has anyone else been having issues and what can i do???
5 Replies
<3 e
<3 e4mo ago
sorry how do i open the command prompt? LOL i’m sorry idk a lot about pcs and how do i reboot my router??
Saucywan4mo ago
? What
<3 e
<3 e4mo ago
idk anything about pcs😭😭😭😭
Saucywan4mo ago
You search for command prompt in windows You unplug it and plug it back in
<3 e
<3 e4mo ago
okok and do i just like turn my wifi on and off LMAO ok thank you