Upscale 2x and upscale 4x options are changed?

What happened to the upscale 2x and upscale 4x options? Looks like they are gone. Now the options are Upscale subtle and Upscale creative. Now I don't get highres images anymore..
4 Replies
Chaika•4mo ago
Are you talking about midjourney and in the wrong discord, or am I missing some other context?
sfeeraandemuur•4mo ago
Yes midjourney and Discord. Maybe it's the new model V6 version?
Chaika•4mo ago
This is the discord for Cloudflare, not midjourney lol. You'd have more luck asking in their discord. According to google it is a v6 thing though yea
sfeeraandemuur•4mo ago
Oh oops 😅 Thanks!