Secret Changing

@Brody asked me to open this. I was having issues with my secret changing every deploy. I think the cause of this was I did the secret inside an already existing project, not a template. But having the secret changing every deploy in every case is not fun.
once you set something like ${{secret(32)}} on a template service and then go to deploy that template, that secret function is replaced with a plain text random 32 length string, and subsequent deploys will not change it since its now just a string
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5 Replies
Percy4mo ago
Project ID: N/A
Ping for toast
Ping for toast4mo ago
Brody4mo ago
okay yes i can reproduce that, but if set on the template this isnt an issue
Ping for toast
Ping for toast4mo ago
I haven't checked, that behaviour was enough to turn me off frankly Especially because 90% of deploys for miniflux people probably just want an account for themself so it makes sense to just let them put it in plus they need to delete the env variable anyway and in this case it's very clearly communicated
Brody4mo ago
once you set something like ${{secret(32)}} on a template service and then go to deploy that template, that secret function is replaced with a plain text random 32 length string, and subsequent deploys will not change it since its now just a string