Speeding up container image builds with ...

we might see some speedups from mounting rpm-ostree caching whenever we build with buildah. buildah bud -t <tag> -v /var/cache/rpm-ostree:/var/cache/rpm-ostree:O https://www.redhat.com/sysadmin/speeding-container-buildah
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Speeding up container image builds with Buildah
Buildah can greatly increase the speed of builds and reduce the number of resources required to support a build farm
4 Replies
j0rge4mo ago
Hikari4mo ago
locally ofcourse. i dont know how this would transition into GH caching
j0rge4mo ago
(threads get archived on the web so we do that for important conversations so we don't lose it in discord)
Hikari4mo ago
Going to just drop notes here from various sources on how we could potentially cache and speed up bluefin building. https://docs.docker.com/build/cache/#order-your-layers
Docker Documentation
Optimizing builds with cache management
Improve your build speed with effective use of the build cache
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