How do I resend an email verification email?
I am getting a token expired error when verifying email. How do I resend an email verification email (with a valid token)?
7 Replies
Hm. Can you share the code and error?
is that in local development @andresio_ ?
I had the same error there, turns out I had to click on the link in the body of the message, not in the title
You could, as a user, go to "reset password", then you should get an email for resetting password, which if I am correct, will also verify you.
Maybe I am though mixing logic from to-be-released 0.12 with released 0.11.8 so forgive me if this is not 100% correct.
I no longer have the token that was giving me this error, but will try to re-create
@andresio_ is still still an issue?
I haven't tried to reproduce the bug, I'll notify once I get back to it
@andresio_ no worries then, thanks for the effort!