I didn’t have time to fill out the prize distribution form :(

Hello, I took a prize place in the SSS stage of the standings of the solemn popularity event 2023. Unfortunately, I did not have time to fill out the form to receive the real prize. Can I fill it out now or am I already late? 😦
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7 Replies
@Moderator ?(
Dyno4mo ago
Please contact the customer service for further assistance, @warrior.for.justice. Refer to subpoint 5.4 in #faq for further information.
Can in-game support help me? Is there someone here I can contact personally about this issue?
swift91824mo ago
Did you click on this link?
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swift91824mo ago
If it redirects you to nowhere or you need any assistance, the in-game customer service should be able to help you.
This screenshot is more than a month old... I clicked, but didn’t have time to fill it out. then I forgot about it and the message disappeared after a while
swift91824mo ago
You may reach out to the in-game customer service.