is anybody else getting incredibly long comp bans from tdm?

dude i afked for 3 out of 8 minutes or smth and I got a 14 day ban. No i don't afk often by I do dodge a lot.
6 Replies
MixNix4mo ago
You can appeal and discuss restrictions with the link below 👇🏻
The community help forum is managed by the community and does not offer any official Riot support. You can create a support ticket at for official support.
LuveTrain4mo ago
oh that exists ty Nix
Xenomile4mo ago
same here although I just waited it out. I was confused too... It will be done for tomorrow now tho.
Arii4mo ago
it takes several infractions to get 14 days though, I understand that its not your fault you have to play on a HDD or on bad internet but its not exactly fun to force 4 players into playing losing games repeatedly either is it? sometimes you just gotta put the need of the many in favour of the few
Xenomile4mo ago
yeah i have great internet tho and it happened twice in a row because i was checking another tab and didnt realise the game had started and another i cant remember