Connect one deployment to the volume on another deployment
Is there a way to link one of the following templates to a volume attached to a separate deployment on the same project?
19 Replies
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Or access the volume on another deployment from the deployed code in a separate deployment?
I need to store data that is persistent accross redeployments, and I would like to be able to use those templates to upload and or download the files.
it's not currently possible
what kind of files? maybe I have an applicable alternative for you
the sqlite database you helped me setup yesterday in <#1208565033987080202>.
I would just like to be able to download it in case I later decide to no longer use
but I guess I could just unpair the volume from my server and then repair it to the template?
ah then you've have to do the dance of unmounting and remounting
yeah exactly
ok just wanted to see if there was an easier, less manual way to do it
there is, use postgres
I was looking into using postgres, but it took 500ms of extra time to run queries
I can't see that happening when you are on railway using the private network
ohh I never tried on railway using the private network
just locally on my laptop
let me test it on railway quickly
make sure you use the private url
would I just replace the postgres url with
or this thing
use the provided private url please
im not seeing it
its in the variables tab
ohh ok
i see it now
testing it rn
wow made everything so much easier. Thanks
sure does