issue with grub after install

i installed bazzite os on a proxmox vm with an gtx 1080 with passtrue i have the issue that after the install is complete i got the following error"error: ../../grub-core/kern/efi/sb.c:182:bad shim signature error: .././grub-core/loader/i1386/efi/linux.c:258:you need to load the kernel first"
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9 Replies
1/4 Life
1/4 Life4mo ago
you have secure boot enabled and haven't enrolled our key disable secure boot, enroll the key with the ujust command, and then you can turn it back on
hiddehandel4mo ago
im looking at the github atm the boot worked is the key listed there ?
1/4 Life
1/4 Life4mo ago
not sure I understand the error you've given is a shim key verification error you have secure boot enabled and no ublue akmod key enrolled
hiddehandel4mo ago
i mean this do i only have to run the command "ujust" or is there a particular key i need to provide in the command?
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1/4 Life
1/4 Life4mo ago
ujust will list all available iirc it's ujust enroll-secure-boot-key but I don't have it in front of me atm
hiddehandel4mo ago
not sure if my proxmox vm config is wrong its taking a while
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hiddehandel4mo ago
fixed it now i just have to wait for the basic setup to finish
hiddehandel4mo ago
i did the key setup it seems like there is still one thing wrong
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1/4 Life
1/4 Life4mo ago
this would be a VM configuration issue, that file isn't part of Fedora separate issue