
Has anyone gotten unbanned for a false ban?

Saw that multiple people claim to have been falsly banned in the last days. I am in the situation of being suspended for 3rd party programs but I didn't cheat ( happened last week on a lovely evening, was about to rankup too :( ). Anyway, just want to know if anyone ever got unbanned or should I just suck it up and buy new hardware/wait 4 months? Thank you!
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9 Replies
Arii4mo ago
Yeah you can definitely get unbanned if you got false banned
MixNix4mo ago
You can appeal your ban with the link below 👇🏻
The community help forum is managed by the community and does not offer any official Riot support. You can create a support ticket at https://support-valorant.riotgames.com/hc/requests/new for official support.
IRules4mo ago
Did that, just wanted to know how high my hopes should be. Thanks tho.
MixNix4mo ago
Not high honestly It's very rare that someone gets there appeal granted because, Vanguard has been around for four years+. So all the false positives have been handled. I'm not saying you cheated, but the likelihood of you not, is really really low
IRules4mo ago
Fair enough, although with a 0.97 kd in silver I'd be the worst cheater ever 😂 . Thanks for the answers! ( idk how to mark this as solved, haven't used the forums feature much )
MixNix4mo ago
@IRules I got you
Joluma4mo ago
Did you manage to get unbanned? Same thing happened to me and I can’t do anything about it… I am losing my mind
IRules4mo ago
I am yet to get a human to review my case, support isn't great ngl. If you really are innocent ig just send a ticket every 2-3 days ( to not spam them ), someone has to eventually take mercy and look on the case a second time ( that's my hope at least ).