Emergency mode

Hi! I installed Bazzite on my Sata SSD. I have an NVME SSD too, which i had to mount to use. I did that in KDE Partition Manager. Steam did not recognise my drive, so i could not add it. I tried to remount it, i changed the mounting point several times, but it did not work. For the final time i also used the Partition Manager. I redid the partition to ext4 (i used btrfs before), mounted to /media/SSD1. I typed sudo systemctl daemon-reload. It seemed like that it worked, and i mounted the SSD, then rebooted. The screen on the picture greeted me. What should i do now?
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5 Replies
1/4 Life
1/4 Life4mo ago
Sounds like you messed up your mounts, you'll need to boot another Linux install and correct whatever is wrong with them Or reinstall
Deveron4mo ago
How can i reinstall Bazzite? I still have the USB, but when i plug it in, and enter bios, only Fedora Sata is in my boot order. I cant pick the USB in the boot order. Should i disable the boot order?
©TriMoon™4mo ago
Did you try F8 while your computer boots? It should give you a UEFI-boot menu to choose what to boot...
Deveron4mo ago
Hi! Thx, that worked, i am reinstalling and setting up bazzite right now. How do i mount my 2nd ssd the correct way though?
©TriMoon™4mo ago
if it is an external drive i would suggest to do that after you have setup your system... But safest way if it is external or not is using systemd-mount units after your basic system is setup.. If it is a permanent internal drive that you want to use for lets say your home (/var/home in Bazzite), you could use the installer menu where you choose the partitions.