Error: Pages only supports files up to 26.2 MB in size (NEXT pages)

Deployment ID: 258f602e-9b7d-4e90-ab3b-fddc80553d78 Account ID: 10df54f4523cc12a6bbbf3c525b4d5ce 19:08:06.483 ✘ [ERROR] Error: Pages only supports files up to 26.2 MB in size 19:08:06.483
19:08:06.483 .yarn/cache/ is 38.2 MB in size I keep getting this error, I don't have any .yarn folder I think is from Cloudflare. I disabled the "Enable build cache" option and clear the cache, but nothing worked. Thank you.
1 Reply
Cinzia4mo ago
Ok i solve it with adding this to the build command: && rm -rf .yarn/cache/ && rm -rf .next/cache