Frame Limit slider

Device: GPD Win Mini Bazzite Version: v2.3.0 Issue: Frame limit slider only shows range from 10 to 60 but display works up to 120Hz
35 Replies
1/4 Life
1/4 Life•4mo ago
Can you grab me... cat /sys/devices/virtual/dmi/id/product_name
trihonometry•4mo ago
Ok one sec And that was a fast reply G1617-01
1/4 Life
1/4 Life•4mo ago
trihonometry•4mo ago
Not sure if I should make a separate post but I have some other minor issues. - I can't format sd card in gamescope ui. Had to use the kde partition manager to manually format it. I get the follow error:
Format error
Failed to format.
Try again - if it continues to fail we recommend you perform a full shutdown before removing the storage media
Format error
Failed to format.
Try again - if it continues to fail we recommend you perform a full shutdown before removing the storage media
- Nested Desktop defaults to 1280x800 resolution, seems like the device should work with proper resolution here: Manually exporting these variables in $HOME/.config/environment.d/bazzite-nested-desktop-resolution.conf fixes this
1/4 Life
1/4 Life•4mo ago
Try GAMESCOPE_OVERRIDE_REFRESH_RATE=60,120 in /etc/environment if that works I'll add it to gamescope-session and PR upstream And is your display called eDP-1?
trihonometry•4mo ago
How do I check that?
1/4 Life
1/4 Life•4mo ago
find /sys/devices -name "edid"
trihonometry•4mo ago
I don't see eDP-1 anywhere
1/4 Life
1/4 Life•4mo ago
what do you see?
trihonometry•4mo ago
Still only seeing up to 60hz after adding this to /etc/environment Have tried reboot after the change as well
Aru•4mo ago
disable unified frame rate limiter in display settings that env var seems to only affect the non-unified slider
trihonometry•4mo ago
Disabled and I see 15, 30, 60, off
Aru•4mo ago
oh rip, so even that's not working, hrm
trihonometry•4mo ago
Display does show 120hz in desktop mode and in gamescope it does run at 120hz
Aru•4mo ago
try export STEAM_DISPLAY_REFRESH_LIMITS=60,120 err 120
trihonometry•4mo ago
ok Do I add that to /etc/environment?
Aru•4mo ago
trihonometry•4mo ago
With the export?
Aru•4mo ago
mm, i guess just have it match with whatever else is in that file. if other variables there aren't using export, you don't need the export
trihonometry•4mo ago
Aru•4mo ago
is this a new variable that does what the LGO gamescope patch did? GAMESCOPE_OVERRIDE_REFRESH_RATE if it's doing the same thing as the gamescope patch, then perhaps @trihonometry is encountering the issue where steam can cache the old refresh rates for a while. and it takes some time for it to start working.
trihonometry•4mo ago
Rebooted and now it shows up to 120
Aru•4mo ago
this is for the non-unified slider, right?
trihonometry•4mo ago
Yep, non unified unified still shows up 60
Aru•4mo ago
so on the Legion Go, kyle added a patch to gamescope for to fix the unified slider which is why i'm wondering if that variable he mentioned is for the unified slider since it seems to be different from the one you just tried, which is for the non-unified slider
Aru•4mo ago
yep, that was the patch for the LGO but anyways, for the unified slider, sometimes Steam caches old values and takes a while for the new ones to kick in
trihonometry•4mo ago
Ah ok, no way to flush the cache?
Aru•4mo ago
not that i know of but note that what you just did might not have been for the unified slider export STEAM_DISPLAY_REFRESH_LIMITS=60,120 is the fix for the non-unified slider
trihonometry•4mo ago
After adding GAMESCOPE_OVERRIDE_REFRESH_RATE it didn't seem to fix the non-unified slider, so it probably is for the unified slider
Aru•4mo ago
well, we can wait for clarification from kyle since if that's for the unified slider, that's new functionality i didn't know about and would mean i should immediately use it on my gpd win 4 😄
trihonometry•4mo ago
I didn't know win 4 had a higher refresh rate screen Thought it was only 60hz
Aru•4mo ago
it can go down to 40hz
trihonometry•4mo ago
Ahh right
Aru•4mo ago
so it's more like the steam deck LCD