give me and hakari refund bro we lost like 400 keycaps from this glitch
we keep getting this from the super prayers and it didnt give us anything it happened like 15 times check chat logs refund pls

49 Replies
give us our refund!
i agree, and i lost like 10 times in a row for only 10 keycaps
we want our shit back
they will prob only patch it and not give us our refund
thats sped
oh my great god

give us refund bro


we are tweaking rn

atp if we dont get a refund it will actually be spadasitic

isanity is something normal


im tweaking rn

yo cooler
someone gave me advice
we just shouldnt use super pray until slowmode is over
blud are you mentally stupid
you cant super pray if ur on slow mode
@Captain Halu
fix yo shit.
why bro
wtfym no
can be assed
will refund tho
yes pwease<3
tfw the opposite
how do u know how much to refund us
i dont even know
but its alot
we spent over like
1.5k keycaps combined on relics
and like half them were bugged or smt
we have logs, but im not gonna waste time calculating shit
i’ll just u both 700 back
commands are bugged on mobile, which is why i haven’t done it yet. will do so when i get back to my computer
no im on pc
my commands
its just fucked
thats what u mean
i read wrong
they’re just not showing up
if you guys accidently gave everyone 50k keycaps could u even revert it
I woke up
<@!995054727140233298> was awarded 700 keycaps!
im hakari now
<@!1120096943545262150> was awarded 700 keycaps!
thanks man
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oohohohoh we got refund!!
pls keycaps