Upload Thing Help

hi all, i am a total front-end noob. have been focused on the back-end and just really want to start a personal project. i want to use theo's uploadthing library but i am having trouble using it. this is my repository: https://github.com/carlocodes/clipped i have two issues: 1. src/app/api/uploadthing/route.ts: Expression expected 2. tailwind.config.ts: Am i wrapping the existing tailwind.config.ts properly with the "withUt" helper correctly? please let me know the proper/standard way of doing this. i made this app with the "npx create-next-app@latest" command. thanks!
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1. that's just placeholder for any config optoins you may want to add, if you dont just remove the dots
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3 Replies
julius4mo ago
1. that's just placeholder for any config optoins you may want to add, if you dont just remove the dots
julius4mo ago
2. looks correct, are the components not looking alright?
jaded4mo ago
thank you @julius , it's looking good now. i appreciate the help