Transparent Button Background with Gradient Text and Border Effect - Hover Problem

As a beginner in CSS, I've been learning for a few months now, and I recently encountered an issue while practicing gradients. Specifically, I created a button with a gradient background and wanted to add an effect where the background becomes transparent upon hovering, while the button border and text maintain the gradient coloring. I've made progress and gotten close to the desired result, as you can see in this CodePen: However, I'm facing a problem where the link text disappears when hovering over the button.
17 Replies
majkl4mo ago
That is becouse of that color transparent, obviously. Hold my beer...
majkl4mo ago Also, unless there is another reson, you do not need that span within the <a>.
Si1enzio4mo ago
"That is becouse of that color transparent, obviously. Hold my beer..." - You think? I was thinking more that "mask-composite: exclude;" would be the reason.
majkl4mo ago
It was the
.btn-talk-text1:hover {
color: transparent;
.btn-talk-text1:hover {
color: transparent;
Look at my pen or solution.
Si1enzio4mo ago
In your pen I see that the button is filled with white color. My idea was that it to be transparent, on hover. So that there is only left the border and the link text (both gradient).
majkl4mo ago
Then look at the CSS fow button 2 or 3 at the bottom and change the bgr in every case, the a text needs to have color other than backgrouds. I only added some extras.
Si1enzio4mo ago
I had this solution, which is similar to yours - But i need to see the background color or background image under the button, when I hover it.
majkl4mo ago
Btn with color background on default, transparent on hover?
Si1enzio4mo ago
This is the desired result.
No description
Si1enzio4mo ago
Gradient background on default, and transparent on hover, but keeping gradient border and text. Just like in the image above.
majkl4mo ago
Have a look now.
Si1enzio4mo ago
It looks ok on solid color for the text and border. The problem occurs when trying to make them gradient. My guess is that the masking is excluding the content from padding area. And I can't find a solution to this.
majkl4mo ago
I am doing with no masking. There is btn4 added in the pen.
Si1enzio4mo ago
but you are not making it gradient. and you probably won't make gradient border without masking.
majkl4mo ago
Yes, I would think of a different way to get the gradient.
Si1enzio4mo ago
If I comment '.btn-talk' and '.btn-talk:hover' in here - - you can see that the link text is working ok. But when you uncomment them - it's gone. The padding area gets transparent, the gradient border is present, but the link text is missing.
majkl4mo ago
I guess the mask makes covers everything inside the <a>. Long since I played with masks. Would use another technique.