backdrop filter cannot work on firefox
i deployed this webon vercel , some errors occur when I hover on "Product" and the text does not appear in white. Anyone can help me ? pls
13 Replies
"some errors occur when I hover on "Product" and the text does not appear in white" - hover where exactly and what is the desired look?
Product menu
Nowhere in the page can I see "Product menu". I see some "Products" links - three of them. I do not know what the desired state is. Please be clear, one is not a mindreader.
when i use firefox to access
when i use brave or chrome
properties that i use
Stack Overflow
Backdrop-filter on a custom cursor?
I was wondering: Can I apply backdrop-filter:invert on a cursor in css?
So let's say I have a custom cursor (png, svg...) and I want it to always be the inverse color of whatever the background is...
Also, it is not very convenient or respectful to post code as a screenshot. Please use codepen.
thank you for comment
No reason to be offended. Obviously, if you want to be helped, you shall make some effort to make yourself clear and help me reproduce your issue with the least hassle. The pinned how-to-ask explains some details too.
thank you so much ❤️