Universal Blue•4mo ago

is is possible to run bazzite-gnome, but have gamescope-session as an option to select during login

it'd be nice for to be able to run bazzite on a standard desktop with regular login prompts, etc, but be able to select gamescope-session in gdm or sddm
We don't have an image for this at this time, but it may be possible in the near future
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29 Replies
1/4 Life
1/4 Life•4mo ago
We don't have an image for this at this time, but it may be possible in the near future
1/4 Life
1/4 Life•4mo ago
Working on GDM builds for GNOME (Replacing SteamOS's SDDM configs we use on the deck builds) and then a futue toggle-autologin enhancement would give you what you want
Aru•4mo ago
hrm, so would it be possible on bazzite-kde then?
1/4 Life
1/4 Life•4mo ago
It would, I'm saying using GDM by nature requires us to move away from Valves session design and fix the things that make this difficult
HikariKnight•4mo ago
i will just provide the same answer i provided someone on the forums about this, but you will be doing this on your own risk (it is essentially what i do to my desktop deck image for my threadripper VM testing rig) but it is not a use case we actively test for since i believe i am the only one who does this on 1 image which is custom. https://universal-blue.discourse.group/t/multiple-users-sddm-on-asus-rog-ally/685 essentially if you do this, there is a chance it might break in the future (especially on gnome if we someday manage to not rely on SDDM)
Universal Blue
Multiple Users (SDDM) on Asus Rog Ally
Hi there, how can I enable SDDM on my Asus Rog Ally? Thanks for your help, Bazzite is awesome! Karolin
HikariKnight•4mo ago
it might also happen you need to blank out the file instead of deleting it, not 100% sure how the overlayfs for /etc handles file deletion since i do this on a custom image
Aru•4mo ago
Great, I'll have to try this out. This would be on the bazzite-deck image?
HikariKnight•4mo ago
my custom image is based on bazzite-deck so yes. it might work on gnome too but never tested it and it might break when kyle switches over to GDM since you also disable the autologin service
Aru•4mo ago
hrm, so whenever I remove the autologin conf file, it always is re-added after reboot. so the autologin behavior is forced on no matter what. 🤔 something similar happens for my autostart scripts, they always get forcibly removed after reboot, so I always need to manually run the rotation fix in desktop mode.
HikariKnight•4mo ago
thats why i said you might have to blank them out so its counted as a user change
Aru•4mo ago
ahh, gotcha. so blank it out instead of delete it
HikariKnight•4mo ago
yeah since on the custom image i just remove them so i do not know if removing is enough for normal deck image 😄
Aru•4mo ago
Nice that did it. Now if only I could figure out why bazzite keeps wiping all my auto start scripts 🤔🤔 I keep having to manually run the rotation fix on plasma desktop Oh nevermind, using game mode automatically resets the auto login conf file Guess having sddm login with game mode just isn't possible right now without rolling a custom image 😔
HikariKnight•4mo ago
you cant add them as autostart scripts at session login?
Aru•4mo ago
I've been adding them to auto start as scripts But on reboot, they're always removed
HikariKnight•4mo ago
🤔 thats odd
Aru•4mo ago
So I literally cannot add any scripts
HikariKnight•4mo ago
~/.config/autostart right?
Aru•4mo ago
Yep After adding them to autostart, the desktop entries are there in the autostart directory But after reboot, poof all gone
HikariKnight•4mo ago
at that point i would try the more destructive option systemd user service unit 🤣 but odd i dont have that issue on kde
Aru•4mo ago
Would the bazzite rotation fix script even work as a systemd service though?
HikariKnight•4mo ago
should work as a user service system service only if it needs sudo
Aru•4mo ago
Ah yeah I meant systemctl --user But anyways, looks like I can't really achieve the desired auto login behavior while keeping game mode as a selectable option I wonder if I could get it to work by changing the auto login file permissions to read only nope, neither systemctl --user service, nor making the autologin file read-only, can fix the issues so basically I guess it's not possible to get this setup working without a custom image.
HikariKnight•4mo ago
how have you actually implemented the script? how does the .desktop file look?
Aru•4mo ago
it's literally just the already prepackaged bazzite-rotation-fix script /etc/libexec/bazzite-rotation-fix err sorry, wrong path but the actual path is correct in the desktop file
[Desktop Entry]
[Desktop Entry]
HikariKnight•4mo ago
you using gnome?
Aru•4mo ago
nope, bazzite-deck
HikariKnight•4mo ago
yeah that one should work
Aru•4mo ago
well i guess this setup won't be possible for now ¯\_(ツ)_/¯