mqtt discovery on every update bug

Hey! I'm currently in HA core beta, and was looking for other bugs but ended up noticing that hass.agent does something that's not very efficient on the home assistant side, it sends the discovery payload on every update for every sensor which cost CPU time on HA. For example
4-02-28 15:45:46.785 INFO (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.mqtt.discovery] Component has already been discovered: sensor ANTO_HP a2c6a82f-f7a9-4e48-aa6e-2e47c3df05ce_total_disk_count, sending update
4-02-28 15:45:46.785 INFO (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.mqtt.discovery] Component has already been discovered: sensor ANTO_HP a2c6a82f-f7a9-4e48-aa6e-2e47c3df05ce_total_disk_count, sending update
I reported the exact same thing for another integration and you may want to read this here: This will definitely lower the burden on HA when it does mqtt processing. I'm running 2.0.1. Sorry if this was already fixed in beta or even reported already
update of sensor entities also floods HA mqtt discovery · Issue #70...
Describe the bug Working with @bdraco, we were hunting down what is causing some extra overhead on my system (RPi4 4Gb/HAOS) and discovered that ecowitt2mqtt seems to be flooding HA with MQTT disco...
will be part of 2.1.0-beta1
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DrR0x4mo ago
Amadeo4mo ago
That is interesting I had in my head that the discovery is sent only when entities are recreated/HASS.Agent restarts I'll take a look at this
barrelltitor4mo ago
Yeah discovery should only be sent if: * HA Restarts(subscribe to the topic as it will tell you if it went off) * HassAgent restarts * Entities are recreated
Amadeo4mo ago
now it got more interesting
Amadeo4mo ago
it got sent only once does this log require debug option to be enabled or is it generated by default?
Anto79-ops4mo ago
Yes, need this
default: info
homeassistant.components.mqtt: info
default: info
homeassistant.components.mqtt: info
Amadeo4mo ago
ok, I'll add this and see could you please also check on your side with mqtt exploer if the messages are really being sent more than once?
Anto79-ops4mo ago
You should see home assistant saying "already discovered" on every update
Amadeo4mo ago
I can't recall any changes between 2.0.1 and the betas that could cause it but everything is possible ok, got it I think but I'll double check and leave if running for a while and then find the root cause 😄 yup, confirmed
Anto79-ops4mo ago
Amadeo4mo ago
I'll work on it today
Anto79-ops4mo ago
I'll see if I can confirm it on explorer too
barrelltitor4mo ago
I am a dum dum but I just woke up at the time You can also just use the retain flag and you should only need to ever re-send it in case something changes, same for payload values
Amadeo4mo ago
we can't trust users and/or mqtt servers 😄 I have the poc ready, it's sent only once per run and when config changes need to replicate it for satellite and do some basic tests
Amadeo4mo ago
will be part of 2.1.0-beta1
Amadeo4mo ago
quite a "sizable" update that will be <insert yoda noises>
Anto79-ops4mo ago
Awesome that was fast! I haven't been able to connect to my machine to confirm things on mqtt Explorer But if you confirmed the issue and issued a fix for it, that's great!
Amadeo4mo ago
yup, got it replicated to satellite (and made me realize how much some parts of the code need rewrite xD) and now letting it run for some time just to make sure
JonnyBergdahl4mo ago
Yeah, using the retain flag for the discovery payload is a dumb idea. HA retains everything anyways.
Amadeo4mo ago
not quite, restarting mosquitto while HASS.Agent is offline will make all the entities dissapear from HA but as always, "configurable by user" is the right answer 😄 looks like the fix is ready
JonnyBergdahl4mo ago
Wait what? It looses them if you restart the BROKER? How stupid is that???
Amadeo4mo ago
by design that's the way to get rid of mqtt discovered entities other way would be for HA to manage the retained topics itself or have some kind of deletion method like it is for discovery now it's simpler this way, discovery payload exists = entity exists
barrelltitor4mo ago
mqtt is such a useful technology
JonnyBergdahl4mo ago
Hm. I retract my previous statement. The device reconnects to the broker and when doing so, it publishes the discovery again, resulting in that all entities are back. I had issues with auto discovery devices remaining in HA that I no longer use, just because they used retain. Only way to delete them is to manually send a null payload to the auto discovery topic using an MQTT GUI client. Just tell a noob that is what he needs to do.... 😬
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