How can I solve this「Can't open perl script "/assets/": No such file or directory

Project ID: 4358cb63-ffcc-4ed0-8d93-a94e494345f2 deployment ID: fe64d2d I'm trying to deploy a Laravel application. Builder: Nixpacks Providers: Php Custom Build Command: npm run build && composer install --optimize-autoloader --no-dev && php artisan config:cache && php artisan migrate --force Custom Start Command: perl /assets/ /assets/nginx.template.conf /nginx.conf && (php-fpm -y /assets/php-fpm.conf & nginx -c /nginx.conf & php artisan inertia:start-ssr) Build Logs is end 「Publish time: 11.75 seconds」ok, but Deploy Logs is Can't open perl script "/assets/": No such file or directory
the php provider has changed and it no longer includes perl. please undo your custom command so you can copy down the new default command, then make your changes to the new command...
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8 Replies
Percy4mo ago
Project ID: 4358cb63-ffcc-4ed0-8d93-a94e494345f2
Brody4mo ago
the php provider has changed and it no longer includes perl. please undo your custom command so you can copy down the new default command, then make your changes to the new command
I will try. thanks! I removed Custom Start Command, now partially working. thank you. Another problem is that Laravel doesn't seem to be working with SSR (Twitter cards don't seem to be displayed. example : Is there any workaround?
Brody4mo ago
i assume something that you where running in your custom command fixed this before?
before, i include custom command php artisan inertia:start-ssr, It used to work as SSR. Now, i try 2 pattern. * Custom Start Command empty : Web application works, but does not display Twitter cards, etc. * Custom Start Command setting only php artisan inertia:start-ssr :
Deploy Logs displayed
Starting SSR server on port 13714...
Inertia SSR server started.
Starting SSR server on port 13714...
Inertia SSR server started.
, but Web application does works. (displayed Application failed to respond)
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Brody4mo ago
please see my original message
Sorry, I didn't understand English very wel. From the Build log, we could probably figure out the default start command. Thanks!
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Brody4mo ago
feel free to translate into your language! 🙂