Good design ideas for smaller screen?

As you see in the image below the blue button that says "add" is way to big for the smallest size screens, Does anyone have any ideas to make this look better?
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16 Replies
clevermissfox4mo ago
Have it stack on small screens so the input is on top of the button. You’ll probably have to adjust some other styles. Also you’ll want to fix the margin/gap in “ToDo List”. There’s no margin in between the icon and the “T” and a substantial gap between “t” and the second icon.
RMON4mo ago
Could you help me do this please?
RMON4mo ago
Ok I fixed it!
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RMON4mo ago
I realized the text that states "Finish Up Portfolio" Isn't perfectly centered how can I fix that? ( I updated CodePen)
clevermissfox4mo ago
Sorry I don’t have time to dive into this but that text is your placeholder within your input so probably something to do with the padding on that element. Put an outline on your text input and see where that element is, if it’s centered, and how the padding is affecting the placeholder.
RMON4mo ago
Alright, I'll take a look into that. Appreciate you Clever.
clevermissfox4mo ago
Any padding for this component should probably go on the parent in this case. Then you can use :focus-within to set up focus state
RMON4mo ago
Alright, I'll try that out!
clevermissfox4mo ago
And careful with those id selectors #main etc. it’s not an IF but a WHEN it’s gonna get you in trouble with specificity. Use classes or at the very least select it as an attribute
RMON4mo ago
Alright, thank you!
clevermissfox4mo ago
Did you get it figured out?
RMON4mo ago
Not fully, I also stopped coding since I've been doing it for around 3-4 hours today so Im gonna continue tmr
majkl4mo ago
Why don`t you just move the buton outside of the row?
RMON4mo ago
I have a different design for bigger screens which I like
clevermissfox4mo ago
Alright well when you get back to it if you’re still having issues, update your codepen and tag me I’ll try to help
RMON4mo ago
Will do thank you!