Guacamole allowed?

So we are an irrigation engineering company. We have PLCs in our clients properties and we use guacamole + openvpn to securely allow them to connect to their machines via VNC in a seemless way. We are transitioning a lot of our infrastructure to railway and would like to move both the VPN server as well as the Guacamole service to railway to. However I have seen that both VNC and VPNs are not allowed. Would this be the case for this specific use case?
6 Replies
Brody4mo ago
that definitely sounds like a legitimate usecase, I'll have to ask the team.
Duchess4mo ago
Thread has been flagged to Railway team by @Brody.
David4mo ago
@apolodoro Interesting use case indeed, we'd love to learn more about it. If you care to setup a time to chat here please do.
apolodoro4mo ago
I just tried but it’s not letting me. It gives me slots but every time I try to book one it says it did not find available users.
Brody4mo ago
indeed it doesn't work, I'm sure they will get that fixed up on Monday and then you can book another call, apologies!!
apolodoro4mo ago
Well apparently it worked. Every error ended up producing a confirmation email so I’ll try to cancel all but one