Review of WAF custom rules via API

I am seeing custom waf rules set set up for one of my zones on UI, but I am unable to retrieve this info via the API. I am using the following endpoint{zone_id}/rulesets but the info in the response does not look like the rules seen in the UI
7 Replies
Erisa4mo ago
That endpoint only lists the rulesets, you need to also list the rules that are within that ruleset
f4mo ago
f4mo ago
for instance id like to see this custom rule
No description
Erisa4mo ago
f3mo ago
thanks Erisa! Hi Erisa, wondering if you could help me retrieve some other waf configs from the api :blob_sweat: Wondering if u know how to retrieve cloudflare waf managed ruleset and also the owasp mod security
Erisa3mo ago
It is the same concept but with a different phase name
f3mo ago
Gotcha is just that for instance joomla is disabled on our managed ruleset , but I see joomla sqli enabled and other joomla related vulns for some reason