Shrimple won't look good on legacy shader support

Hello, here is the thing. I am currently playing on forge so can't enjoy the nightly "real" shader support. But trying with the legacy way it look honestly good with complementary reimagined (steveplays fork). But with shrimple I can't get it to : - blend like comp reinmagined would do (even tho it's activated in the shaders option, with last shrimple main version from github, 0.10 release do the same) - have a normal look of LOD. They look all faded and in the fog. I could get it look better by tweaking brightness in DH settings but there might be recommended settings ? I didn't found any Is it normal with shrimple ? That's honestly not a big deal at all since complementary looks great and is working perfectly, but I wanted to try a bit of RTX 😅 Thanks for reading 🙏🏻
you can find a commit where the DH compat toggle got removed, try download the previous build before that.
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Steveplays71d ago
There was a commit on Shrimple's repo where Null had legacy blending, sometime around september
Certified P. Drizzy71d ago
you can find a commit where the DH compat toggle got removed, try download the previous build before that.
МrMim0x1771d ago
Oh yes thanks you both, I found a commit where it was working. Day after day, I am learning a bit more how github is working
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