cleaning up an old hat

I have this vintage Hanshin Tigers hat. I'm gonna sew the strap back on today. The thing has a lot of discoloration and spots on it. Any suggestions for removing them? The outer lining is polyester, so is the inner lining. The reinforcement on the inside of the brim is polyethylene.
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5 Replies
Spuck3mo ago
as its pure white you could try spot bleaching, if a more general scrub doesn't get it out
bishopcorrigan3mo ago
I’d just try an oxi clean soak first and see what happens
Zal ;(
Zal ;(3mo ago
I could try that. Just use the quantities listed on the container of oxiclean, or do I wanna do a higher amount of the cleaner
bishopcorrigan3mo ago
Just follow the pre soak instructions on the tin first
Zal ;(
Zal ;(3mo ago
gotcha, thanks for the advice. I'll go pick some up later