suit pant/jacket different fabric

Posted this in recent purchases but got this great surgeon cuff linen jacket at muji. The proper matching pants were kind off oddly tapered, but there was this straight fit pair in a hemp/poly blend but now I’m wondering if I’ve made an amateur mistake thinking I could cobble together a suit. I know the linen jacket will behave differently and age differently than the pants but at least at first glance does this look cohesive or is it obvious I’m putting two different things together
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15 Replies
mikew4mo ago
you have any pics a little bit further back?
raisinpie4mo ago
I couldn't tell in your purchases post!
mikew4mo ago
oh nvm saw your other post. i think it looks pretty fine to me dont think suit setups always need to be super match-y anyways
circleframes4mo ago
Here’s another angle. I think the pants are a little flatter than the jacket. Maybe it won’t be wedding suit but for kicking around or going to dinner/bar or whatever I think it’s fine ya?
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mikew4mo ago
for sure! i think it looks good, maybe just needs a lil steaming / ironing
raisinpie4mo ago
It's nontraditional already so I don't think the usual #menswear advice applies
tun🌻4mo ago
I'd say definitely close enough for the uses you mentioned. Probably close to impossible to see the difference unless looking really close in direct sunlight
awburkey4mo ago
It looks p good here but even subtle differences can be super apparent IRL. I think the biggest difference is the fabric weave on the jacket is a plain weave but the pants are twill
circleframes4mo ago
I think my concern is the jacket will be all beautifully wrinkled and broken in like linen does and the pants will still be fairly ridged aha Anyway. I won’t lose sleep over it. All else fails I have a very comfortable and cheap way to dress up Thanks gang
mikew4mo ago
that could be a cool contrast / effect though, imo. but that comes down to personal preference i guess. worst case scenario you can always just wear them separately - like throw on the blazer with some other pants for a casual fit
circleframes4mo ago
Super true. and maybe the hemp in the pants will give them a little character over time 🙂
mikew4mo ago
yeah! nice finds though. gonna have to swing thru muji sometime soon, its been a minute 😂 they always have nice stuff
circleframes4mo ago
I live in WA which oddly doesn’t have any, but the one in Portland is huge and so I always make a point to go for sure 🤧
mikew4mo ago
nice im in seattle but go down to portland all the time - that one is great
hwateber4mo ago
I like the fit. Nobody will notice as long as you’re not trying to play it off as too formal. If you like it, wear it!