Handlebars in email template

When I try to use if {{#if aircraft}}Aircraft: {{aircraft}}{{/if}} in email template, there is error on update "Failed to extract variables". Any idea what im doing wrong? I'm using novu.co
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3 Replies
Gali Baum
Gali Baum4mo ago
There shouldn't be a problem with this @hajkowski.j, it seems right. 1. If you are removing the {{#if aircraft}}Aircraft: {{aircraft}}{{/if}} part, is the update working? 2. Do you have any more steps in the workflow? Maybe its from a different content? 3. Are you using any variables in the subject/preheader?
Pawan Jain
Pawan Jain4mo ago
@hajkowski.j Could you try using custom code editor in email?
hajkowski.j4mo ago
Today handlebars are working, maybe there was some issue on novu.co. Thanks for your time.