Novu4mo ago

Activity feed between two tabs

If you open the first tab as activity feed for development and after that open a second tab with activity feed for production both tabs will be showing the same (production) activity feed. The switch on the first tab continues to be "Development", but the data shown an the page - is from "Production". Not usre if it happens in other places as well
4 Replies
Novu_Bot4mo ago
@Dima_hat, you just advanced to level 1!
Pawan Jain
Pawan Jain4mo ago
@Dima_hat Thanks for sharing the bug. I can reproduce this.
Pawan Jain
Pawan Jain4mo ago
@Dima_hat When environment is changed, we generate a new token and use that token for subsequent request. So this is a UI bug where environment tab should also show production env in first tab
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