missing lod rift at distance where settings were changes
I had originally set my render distance radius at 320, once that had finished loading I decided to increase it to 512. For some reason there remains a 1 chunk gap right at the edge of where the 320 radius reached that has not shown any indication of even trying to load for more than an hour that i have been afk in this same spot. Log files don't show anything that seems to be related and there are no errors.
├── AdditionalStructures-1.20.x-(v.4.2.1).jar
├── AmbientSounds_FABRIC_v5.3.5_mc1.20.4.jar
├── c2me-fabric-mc1.20.4-0.2.0+alpha.11.58.jar
├── Chunky-1.3.138.jar
├── CreativeCore_FABRIC_v2.11.16_mc1.20.4.jar
├── cristellib-1.2.4-fabric.jar
├── ctov-3.4.2.jar
├── DistantHorizons-fabric-2.0.2-a-dev-1.20.4.jar
├── do-a-barrel-roll-3.3.8+1.20.4-fabric.jar
├── explorify-v1.3.0-mc1.20.jar
├── fabric-api-0.96.4+1.20.4.jar
├── geckolib-fabric-1.20.4-4.4.2.jar
├── Incendium_1.20.4_v5.3.4.jar
├── indium-1.0.30+mc1.20.4.jar
├── noisium-1.0.2+mc1.20.x.jar
├── Nullscape_1.20.4_v1.2.4.jar
├── nvidium-0.2.6-beta.jar
├── sodium-fabric-0.5.8+mc1.20.4.jar
├── sound-physics-remastered-fabric-1.20.4-1.3.1.jar
├── t_and_t-1.12.1.jar
├── tectonic-fabric-1.20-v2.2.jar
└── yet-another-config-lib-fabric-3.3.2+1.20.4.jar
also I am on linux if that matters idk

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