Pages app meltdown - internal error at functionsWorker

Hi, my pages app is an Angular app with functions (Hono). It has been working fine for a long time, but since yesterday (7-mar-24) I see that it deploys fine and shortly after only shows the following message: Internal Server Error: internal error Error: internal error at functionsWorker-0.15130769725590398.js:43016:42 at dispatch (functionsWorker-0.15130769725590398.js:27905:23) at functionsWorker-0.15130769725590398.js:27906:20 at functionsWorker-0.15130769725590398.js:20432:15 at dispatch (functionsWorker-0.15130769725590398.js:27905:23) at functionsWorker-0.15130769725590398.js:27906:20 at logger2 (functionsWorker-0.15130769725590398.js:27210:11) at dispatch (functionsWorker-0.15130769725590398.js:27905:23) at functionsWorker-0.15130769725590398.js:27882:12 at functionsWorker-0.15130769725590398.js:28378:31 I've never seen this before.. could I get some pointers as to what might be causing this please? I can't see anything helpful in my streaming logs. Thanks!
8 Replies
Erisa3mo ago
Do you use Smart Placement?
Joe Simpson
Joe Simpson3mo ago
yes Also, if I retry the deployment it works again, for a minute Now trying without Smart Placement
Erisa3mo ago
Yes please try without Smart Placement
Joe Simpson
Joe Simpson3mo ago
Looks to be ok now Normally it would go bad very shortly after a deploy and my last deploy was a while ago and it's still up
Erisa3mo ago
Are you touching the live logs on the dashboard and/or wrangler tail in that time?
Joe Simpson
Joe Simpson3mo ago
Yep, tailing using dashboard
Erisa3mo ago
Gotcha Yeah so there's a known bug with Pages + Smart Placement + Log tail which results in this behaviour The hope is that this will be resolved before Smart Placement leaves Beta For now I recommend either keeping Smart Placement disabled or not using log tail
Joe Simpson
Joe Simpson3mo ago
Ok, understood. Thanks