Realize a vertical scroll
Hi everyone
I realize this
this is my work:
the problem is inside my .inner div I have a content under the title but I can 't scroll to see the rest on content can I get some idea to solve this problem ?
take by advance .
7 Replies
You have a height of 75% defined and then an overflow of hidden. So instead of scrolling to see the rest of your content you've hidden it. Remove overflow: hidden;
thanks for your message
but the height of 75% is defined on central div who contain the inner div
I understand, the height is declared on the same element as the overflow hidden so its children are hidden. Change it to overflow: auto or overflow: scroll and you'll be able to scroll. That's the desired behaviour if I understand correctly ?
I put this
I get what I want but I have this scroll-bar line
If you want to get rid of the scroll bar , you can use
.central::-webkit-scrollbar {width:0};
It’s not best practice though. You can also style it with ::-WebKit-scrollbar-track and ::-WebKit-scrollbar-thumb
Check browser support too I forget which prob moz but one of the major browsers doesn’t support
There is also the property scrollbar-width
that’s pretty new so not sure on browser support for that one eitherand this is why overflow is still crappy to this day