[bazzite-nvidia] How to switch to a custom kernel (cachy or TkG for example)?

Hi! I tried to switch to a custom kernel following the process from the official kernel-cachyos repo on the COPR (https://copr.fedorainfracloud.org/coprs/bieszczaders/kernel-cachyos/). I land on an error: check the attached screen below. What is the right way to switch kernel? Thanks
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18 Replies
tryhardsoccermomswag•3mo ago
you have to fork bazzite to do this
A1RM4X•3mo ago
Heuu? xD
tryhardsoccermomswag•3mo ago
tryhardsoccermomswag•3mo ago
Universal Blue
Fork Your Own image
Making your own Bazzite or Bluefin Sometimes you don’t want to make a whole new image from scratch, you just want to change some things without too much extra work. Sometimes it’s nicer to derive from images that more end-user focused like Bazzite and Bluefin. Use Cases You want to help development by being able to test your contributions prio...
A1RM4X•3mo ago
It seems like a lot for work for switching kernel. Without nvidia, some users simply switched kernel using COPR ... Or by compiling a kernel in a distrobox. packaging it as a rpm and instlaling it with rpm-ostree... Forking the whole project seems a lot of effort for just dealing with the nvidia modules situations on an atomic distro.
tryhardsoccermomswag•3mo ago
may i ask whats the goal of using this kernel over the fsync one we have?
A1RM4X•3mo ago
I would like to test differents kernels, and also check how hard it is for a user to switch kernel on this distro. It is a technical limitation related to generating the initramfs with Nvidia? or is it just related to the structure of the atomic fedora distros?
tryhardsoccermomswag•3mo ago
OCI limitation most likely you really can't replace packages that we ship we also have our kernel signed with the fsync kernel and other stuff
A1RM4X•3mo ago
Thanks for answering dude, I was just curious in general. I like to tweak and compare the type of perfomance each distro gives out of the box versus applying some "tweaks" What kind of trigger me is that some of my buddies with an AMD card were able to switch kernel without any issues... I am guessing rebuilding initramfs is out of the scope with this type of distro
tryhardsoccermomswag•3mo ago
yeah sorry initramfs is giving us other issues with nvidia (+ hybrid graphic setups) rn too
A1RM4X•3mo ago
No worries at all. It's not your fault.
1/4 Life
1/4 Life•3mo ago
Yeah this is just kind of a limit of ostree If you want something very similar to us but mutable, I would highly recommend Nobara We share a ton of stuff, they are essentially the Fedora workstation to our Fedora silverblue Might be more of what you're looking for
tryhardsoccermomswag•3mo ago
i didnt realize it was a limit of OSTree tbh. i thought it was more of an OCI thing, thanks for clarifying
1/4 Life
1/4 Life•3mo ago
The issue is kmods aren't going to build on the fly, so to switch Kernel you need to switch all the kmods out too Which is what requires this to be a custom image thing
A1RM4X•3mo ago
Thank you very much for answering in details. Really appreciated, I will sleep less ignorant tonight 😎
Marcelo•2mo ago
Hello there. According to the Bazzite build.yml I would only be able to use a kernel from the Ublue akmods repo, is that right? So I would need to ask, for example the one I want CachyOS's, for it to be added to the scripts there?
1/4 Life
1/4 Life•2mo ago
if you're forking, you can remove all of our akmods and install any kernel you like there's another user here with a cachyOS image, maybe they'd share
Marcelo•2mo ago
Any source then? I could use COPRs, like the bieszczaders' Kernel CachyOS one? I tried messing with it via the TLDR mode (hahahaha) some months back, gut I did not understand what was wrong. That would be awesome.